Scroll below to view what I have been working on during the past year and to view my most successful series, “Her Voice”. The first series shown in the collage below are candids from my brothers graduation taking place in Manhattan, New York. A special day for a special guy with some extra special moments captured.
—Simplicity. This new collection of works is an exploration of the simple compositions of a portrait tied with the use of dramatic lighting. With this series I wanted to challenge myself as I have this is my first endeavor using dramatic lighting. The entire project plays with simple editing and composition but also has rich black and white color along with a harsh light source.
In response to the heightened awareness during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, I'm embarking on a photo series aimed at spotlighting various social justice issues. This inclusive collection will address matters such as BLM, LGBTQ rights, mental health, and suicide awareness. The overarching objective is to amplify the voices of young women, leveraging their perspectives to sustain the spotlight on these crucial social issues.